Self Critique: The wheels on the skates might be a little crooked. The perspective of them is also kinda messed up. The eye to out right could be moved inward a bit. This was slightly before I started really fixing faces, so now these are more noticeable.
And here’s the end result of hangin’ with the Jet Set Radio Live community! After hangin’ out with them for a while and showing my artwork (especially my Twintelle pic), I was in something of a Jet Set Radio mood. So I tried to think of which character to draw. At first I was thinking of drawing Gum, but she kinda already has a lot of fanart. So I moved over to one of the best girls in the game. Out of everyone early in the game, she was the only character that could hold 20 cans, which made my romp through Tokyo-to a bit easier since I didn’t have to stop and hunt for cans as often. Anyway, I hit a dilemma right away as I had no idea what kind of outfit Mew was wearing, if it was a dress or some kind of one-piece with fur on the end. The official art didn’t help, and neither did the in-game model. Even the community was divided, with different artists interpreting what it was exactly. Even the katakana on her dress was confusing as it originally say ビス on it (which seems to be her original Japanese name), but fanartists, and eventually Sega, put ミウ on it instead. So I settled on just doing my thing. I would replicate the katakana decision on the bikini version, putting a character on each boob. I wanted the pose to be very dynamic, matching the movement of the game. So the pose was achieved using the old Body-chan model and using the perspective tool to bring the legs closer to the viewer. To make sure things would be placed accordingly, I had a sketch of the rail always present, and always made sure that the legs would be on the rail in some way if I move them anywhere.
For the background, From the outset I wanted to make her grind a rail around a popular location in Tokyo. And what better place than the Shibuya 109 building. Here’s the catch: there’s no rail there! At all! So I thought about changing the location to a building that had some kind of grindable surface. But I couldn’t stop thinking about the 109 building. So you can just pretend that it’s under some kind of renovation and Mew’s causing a ruckus in the name of the GGs! Another thing I noticed was that the other buildings around the 109 are the same height, so I took some liberties and made those shorter to give a sense of height to Mew’s crazy actions. Plus, who didn’t love going around that one building Benten-cho (y’know, the one that’s lined with cans)? Later in the pic, I decided to add some taller buildings in the back since all the buildings were the same height and making the landscape look rather flat. So used the same technique I did on Twintelle’s background when I did the buildings there too. The billboards are actually references to the JSRL community, and there’s even a little cameo from JSRL itself… if you look hard enough ;p.
With that said, many thanks to the JSRL community for welcoming me! Maybe next time I’ll give Gum a shot (or maybe even Piranha!).
If ya’ll wanna hang out with us rudies and listen to good music, check us over at jetsetradio.live.
Done on Clip Studio Paint. Intuos4 Tablet used. Body-Chan model traced for schematic skeleton, then draw the rest of the way.
Mew and Jet Set Radio are (c) Sega.
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