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There’s a rumble in the jungle!

Self Critique: I honestly should’ve accounted for the height the boots would give for the clothed variant, as the non-clothed variants end up losing the height, thus needing to have awkwardly placed higher dirt mounds so that Hannah isn’t floating in the scene. The puncture of the tire isn’t the best.

Here’s another deep cut classic lady. Depending on who you ask, you know her from the comics, the cartoon show, or the Capcom beat ‘em up. Here’s Hannah Dundee from Cadillacs and Dinosaurs/Xenozoic Tales. The inspiration to draw her came from a reminder. I first saw her in the arcade game and downloaded the flyer for it, but then completely forgot about it. Then one day in 2020 I got recommended a random youtube video of gameplay, and that’s when I remembered I wanted to draw Hannah. So I added her to the list of artwork to do, did a concept sketch, then moved on to the pic. That’s when the issues began.

This pic took two attempts to get right early on. The 1st version of the pic was closer and at a lower angle, but just didn’t look right. I was trying to show her ass, while at the same time trying to twist her body to what you see. This mainly stemmed from using a Body-chan model when I started this in 2020. The early results weren’t looking good, so I partially restarted the pic with a 3D model this time. It’s here that I realized that the pose I was trying to do initially was impossible. So I settled on just not showing her ass. The gun in her hand was traced from a 3D model, but was partially cut off due to the old 11”x14” dimensions. When I extended the pic to become 11”x 17” like the other pics I’ve done so far, I was able to draw the rest of the gun.

Going back to the beginning for a sec, early on I was about to draw Hannah stabbing a dinosaur and using it as leverage to hold herself up. Even the 1st sketch phases shows this plan. It wasn’t until by chance I saw an episode of the show from RinseRepeat’s youtube channel that I realized that the main characters are NOT actually dinosaur hunters, and instead go after poachers. This lack of understanding on my part came from just viewing the 2nd stage of the arcade game, where you beat up some dinosaurs. Not sure what I was misremembering, but that’s what happened. Thankfully I was able to course correct early on and have Hannah stabbing out the tire of a poacher’s truck instead, bringing in the 3D model as well so that when it came time to draw it, I wasn’t lost on what to do.

From here on, it was a matter of slowly chipping away at this pic. One aspect I’m particularly proud of is the wrinkle of her boots. At first I was going to do my usual boot wrinkles. But looking at the artwork of arcade flyer again, the boots had more detailed wrinkles at the ankles for all the characters. So I adjusted the shading accordingly. When it came time to do the background, I knew that truck was gonna be a challenge. With no ground details drawn yet beyond a very simple horizon-line stuff, it was hard to wrap my head around Hannah and the 3D model of the truck and how close she actually is to it. The tire itself always felt like it was much further behind her when she’s actually right in front of it. In the end, I just told myself “listen, just line it up a bit with her left leg, make it bigger since it looks too small, and trust how I’ll be shading this in”. Thankfully it all worked out.

But then came the Cadillac. I had a basic 3D model car back there too. But trying to do construction lines of the basic car shape, then adding on Cadillac details was going to be a doozy. So I downloaded a 3d model of 1950s Cadillac convertible off CGTrader from PARSA3D and moved it into position. There were some extra details I had to add in from the show/comic, some of which made me nervous since I’d have to shade it in too, and I had already spent more time on the truck than I was comfortable with. Knowing that I wouldn’t be moving Hannah from her spot, nor some of the leaves and bushes, I resorted to only shading in what was visible to speed up the process.

At some point before going into the shading of the background, I was thinking of adding some small lizards on that rock in the foreground. But that would’ve required downloading another 3D model to draw over. About halfway through shading, I dropped the idea. I still kept the rock there since that would be a lot of empty space otherwise. The leaf brush I downloaded some time ago from Clip Studio Assets came in handy for the bush in front of the car. Since it was closer than the tree leaves, more detail would be visible. All I’d have to do is adjust the colors and brightness accordingly. Before moving to the filters and effects, I had to add dug-in dirt at Hannah’s feet so that the she’s “actually there” and doesn’t look like she’s just pasted on, which was a concern I had throughout this pic’s process (look at my issues with the truck!). But it all came out good in the end.

Tools and Resources

Done on Clip Studio Paint 2.0
Wacom Cintiq 16 Tablet used
3D model traced for construction lines
3D model of Truck downloaded from Clip Studio Assets, then traced for basic shape
3D Model of gun downloaded from Clip Studio Assets, then traced
3D model of Cadillac downloaded from CGTrader, then traced.
Leaf brush for bush downloaded from Clip Studio Assets


Hannah Dundee, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs/Xenozoic Tales © Mark Schultz. Cadillac © General Motors

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