It’s been a long time coming, but it’s time she finally came back. And somewhat in time for Year of the Rooster!
Self Critique: Her hips could’ve done with a bit more sway. The way the ties of the qipao (above the chest to our left) were drawn didn’t take into account that the qipao would recede back into her shoulder; it goes straight to her collar rather than making a hard hook into her collar. On the lingerie and nude variants, The belly button could’ve been a bit lower. The leg to our right is slightly thicker than the other, though it could be argued that it is closer to the viewer (it was like that on the reference pic). Still, its thickness could’ve matched the other.
Okay, technically she already did come back, but it was only on Pixiv and it was a sloppy rush job. So for Year of the Rooster, I decided it was time to really bring her back and take my time with her. This was my second attempt to draw her, my my previous one being around 2014. It failed prelim, and was left to rot in the sketchbook. This second attempt faired MUCH worse. However recently I’ve been turning sketchbook blunders into Clip Studio miracles, and I knew I could fix this if I simply restarted with the basics. I brought in the reference pic again from Sexual Nude Pose Book and put it to the side. I started with the gesture line, and carefully began to lay out a skeleton, and eventually the details. I did this by first drawing directly on top of the reference pic (which was smaller), and then doing it again on a larger scale away from it (you can kinda see it here, though the ref pic was hidden). It proved to work much better than when I did it on the sketchbook. Once the details were in place, It was all a matter of giving the pic some ink, base color, and shading.
Now let’s talk about the character and design. I made this girl way back in 2005-2006, and was in my last year of highschool. Being the dummy I was, I gave this Chinese girl a Japanese, Natsuko Nakahara. She’s still up in my scraps folder on DeviantArt. As time went on, I always looked back on this girl and wondered if and when I should bring her back. It came close when I requested her to be drawn by another artist with just the name “Naka,” which was a placeholder name until she got a proper Chinese name. Fast forward to 2015 when I attempted to bring her back, I gave her the name Xiuying, but no last name. Finally, with this pic, she got her last name, Gushan. So officially her name is Xiuying Gushan, the elegant flower of the lone mountain. Her design is mostly unchanged. Several elements, like the gold trims, are now everywhere. The design of her shoes were changed as well. On her old design, there was the implication that she wore no panties (she came from a hentai after all). Now she has them on and are visible. The design of the fans were changed to resemble what the artist of the request did as it’s simpler and quicker to do. The one major addition to her qipao is the patterns. I used a cherry blossom brush for the base pattern, followed by Gingko Leaf brush for the rest. I thought of giving her an environmental background, but for the sake of time, I opted for this background instead. I wanted to put a gold dragon behind her after the motif on her fans. But since I drew this for Year of the Rooster, I did that instead. As for those three-mountain pictures of both sides, it relates to the storyline around her. However that’ll be known at a later date.
Done on Clip Studio Paint. Intuos4 tablet used. Pose from Sexual Nude Pose Book referenced.
Xiuying Gushan is (c) DeadPhoenX. Permission not required, but credit with link back to either my DeviantArt, Pixiv, or Artwork of DeadPhoenX personal gallery is needed.
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